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Samir Abdelly: First Tunisian Attorney Registered In Washington To Represent Middle East & North Africa Platform Around The World
Publié dans Tunivisions le 22 - 01 - 2021

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Abdelly & Associates Tunisian Law Firm signed 3 transnational cooperation agreement with Middle East and North LLC in United State of America, North Africa and Middle East, the partnerships enhanced Abdelly and Associates Law Firm presence in Tunisia, Algeria, Oman, Libya, Morocco, and Egypt and United States of America.
Samir Abdelly CEO of Abdelly and Associate law Firm based in Washington and Tunisia, selected as top 5 lawyer around the word For 2020, and according to many international sources Samir Abdelly Who maintains Strong contacts with Forgein Goverments & international Communities could be the best one who could be charged to recover the looted assets held by ex-President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali. as during previous years it have been political and legal difficulties in gaining access to accounts where the money is believed to be held
Dr. Samir Abdelly is admitted in june 2019 to the bars of International Lawyer in Washington and Louisiana in March 2016, and is a member of the Orleans, Louisiana and American Bar.
In a diplomatic context, the Swiss position remains unchanged. In March, Switzerland's ambassador to Tunisia, Rita Adam, and Tunisia's new justice minister Mohamed Salah Ben Issa met and "confirmed our willingness to work together"
"The political will to return this money to Tunisia is intact, as long as it has been established that these funds have criminal origins, "The funds are blocked to allow justice to take its course. These are very complex investigations, which take time. The appeals, in themselves, are perfectly normal in a state of law."
The Abdelly & associates and Middle East & North Africa Initiative to establish the North Africa-based global network, launched under the G5+5 of North Africa, was agreed at the first-ever G20 event meeting on anti-corruption in October 2020 and welcomed by leaders at the G20 summit in November. Middle East and North Africa Inc will serve as secretariat of the initiative, which will support anti-corruption law enforcement authorities to enhance informal cooperation through regular meetings; an online hub and secure communication platform; and knowledge- and capacity-building programmes and tools.
Sofiane Abdelly Vice President of Abdelly and Associate LLC is heading the construction/surety practice group in the firm. He is a graduate of the College of Paris. Prior to entering private practice, he served with Tunisian Mauritanian commission for legal investment, Criminal Division, He is admitted to the bars of International Lawyer in Washington and Louisiana, and is a member of the Middle East and North African Pacs as a special Legal Advisor.

Mr. Sofiane Abdelly has lectured and written on numerous occasions on construction and surety law issues for the US Law Association and other national programs. He has authored many publications and papers, including the book Louisiana Construction Law,
Mr. Sofiane Abdelly is affiliated with the MENA PACS Arbitration Association handling dispute resolutions in the construction, insurance and surety industry, specializing in complex construction cases and is the recipient of the Andrews Award for lifetime achievement in fidelity and surety law.
Abdelly and Associates is the world's largest law firm, connecting talent to the world's challenges and opportunities in more than 64 countries. Abdelly and Associates' legal and business solutions benefit from deep roots in our communities and award-winning advancements in client service, including xtlaw, Abdelly and Associates' innovation and strategic advisory services. Abdelly and Associates ‘ polycentric and purpose-driven approach, commitment to inclusion and diversity, and world-class talent challenge the status quo to advance client and community interests in the New Dynamic.
Abdelly and Associates Partners has recently joined the Middle East and North African LLc the largest Corporate Social and political Responsibility initiative in the world, and its Arabic Network. This responds to Abdelly and Associates Partners' firm commitment to integrate Corporate Social Responsibility into all its strategies, processes and services in order to generate the greatest positive impact on society and the environment.
In this regard, Samir Abdelly Executive Director , stated that: "It is urgent to replace Tunisian measurement systems based exclusively on profit maximisation parameters with others that place the health of lawyers and respect for the environment as an integral part of the core business.", Samir Abdelly added: "Abdelly and associates ́s business model allows us to address the challenges of corporate sustainability more effectively. The law firm allows its lawyers to practice freely, choosing which projects they work on and deciding when and from where they do so.
Abdelly and Associates Initiative is a call to companies to integrate ten universal principles on human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption into their strategies, operations and actions; as well as to promote and develop the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the North Africa and Middle East Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

Source: Mena Pacs Task Force Team

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